the right people.
Transform your business.

We build HR capabilities in people managers to develop a growth mindset that drives real business impact.

Having trouble with..

  • Hiring the right talent?
  • Dealing with a challenging employee?
  • Attract
  • Poor employee performance and productivity?
  • Managers not equipped with the right skills to lead the team?
  • Growth
  • Key employees leaving the
  • Poor employee engagement?
  • Retain

Here's how we can help


Do more with less, as we'll help you identify and focus your efforts on key areas that will bring about the greatest impact.


Through tailored workshops and customised frameworks, your team will be equipped with the right tools and knowledge that will help drive business growth in the long run.


With a growth mindset and the right frameworks in place, your team will grow from functional departments into collaborative powerhouses that drive real business impact. 

Why work with us?

End to End

With the experience and expertise of our team, we can identify and tailor solutions that are truly needed at different stages of your business, leading to better effectiveness as well as time and cost savings for our clients.


We believe in developing managers to have a growth mindset and educating them on how to attract, grow, and retain talent. Coupled with the right HR capabilities and frameworks, managers will now see how their decisions and leadership contribute to tangible business impact.

Invest in your people. 
Save up to 50% 
with the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

You can tap on the EDG offered by Enterprise Singapore to help your company in strengthening your Human Resource capabilities through developing strategic frameworks and processes in the 12 areas of Human Capital Development
Get Started Today

Take your first step

HR Audit

Not sure what you need?
Let us review your current HR processes and recommend solutions that are truly needed for your business.
Learn more...

Employee Handbook

Frustrated with resolving simple HR matters on an ad-hoc basis?
Get your team to stay on the same page with an employee handbook.
Learn more...

Vision, Mission & Core Value Statements

Is your team lacking direction and motivation?
Co-create a common purpose for your company to unite behind and paint a future to work towards.
Learn more...
  • "Beyond the impartation of knowledge, the consultants successfully guided us in developing structures and clear measures with our management team."

    Jonathan Lau,
    CAP Advisory Group
  • “After a hectic year of changes due to inflation and the looming recession, TheGrowthProject workshop was a great reminder for us on what we stand for and aligns everyone on our path ahead.”

    Nigel Lim,
  • “I attended a lot of workshop but nothing like this before. TheGrowthProject consultants did so well to bring out the best in everyone. It is not a easy task”

    Toh Yee Sian,
    Kheng Sun

Unlocking Potential, Inspiring Growth

Contact us for a FREE 30 minutes consultation with our expert

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