Stay competitive with fair pay.

Establishing the right Salary Range can help you attract and retain the right talents.
Develop your Salary Range today

What is a Salary Range?

A Salary Range is an important tool that businesses can use to set salary benchmarks that attract and retain the right employees, while still keeping salary costs in check. This range should be based on factors such as market rate, in-house salary levels, industry standards, and even employee experience and qualifications.

Why is it important to set salary ranges for your business?

Companies can find it challenging to attract and retain talents without the right compensation packages. Salary discrepancies between employees can also lead to dissatisfaction and poor morale. A well-defined Salary Range can therefore help to ensure that the salary you are offering is fair and competitive enough to attract qualified candidates and reward existing employees based on their performance or experience.

Let us define Salary Ranges for your business to stay competitive!

Understanding your compensation philosophy

We'll start by understanding your company's compensation philosophy (whether to lead, lag or match the market) as it will drive the decisions for the rest of the process.

Matching compensation to value

Next, we'll conduct Job Analysis and Market Research to evaluate the fairness of the current compensation based on the value that each job is contributing to the company.

Staying Competitive

We'll then create Job Grades and establish the minimum, midpoint and maximum Salary Ranges for each Job Grade based on your company's philosophy. With the newly defined Job Grades and Salary Ranges, we will then make recommendations to address existing salary which are not within the range.
Like to know more? We are here to help.
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A well-defined Salary Range can therefore help to ensure that the salary you are offering is fair and competitive enough to attract qualified candidates and reward existing employees based on their performance or experience.

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with the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

You can tap on the EDG offered by Enterprise Singapore to help your company in strengthening your Human Resource capabilities through developing strategic frameworks and processes in the 12 areas of Human Capital Development
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    CAP Advisory Group
  • “After a hectic year of changes due to inflation and the looming recession, TheGrowthProject workshop was a great reminder for us on what we stand for and aligns everyone on our path ahead.”

    Nigel Lim,
  • “I attended a lot of workshop but nothing like this before. TheGrowthProject consultants did so well to bring out the best in everyone. It is not a easy task”

    Toh Yee Sian,
    Kheng Sun

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