Prevention is better than cure

Identify weak spots with a HR Audit to strengthen your HR capabilities
Audit your HR capabilities today

What is a Human Resource (HR) Audit?

A HR audit is an objective and systematic analysis of your HR documents, policies and procedures, as well as the HR systems and processes. It's a diagnostic tool to determine the current compliance, efficiency and effectiveness of your HR function, identify gaps between current state and desired state, and provides recommendations to improve HR capabilities that can support your business strategy and growth plans in the long run.

Why is conducting a HR Audit important?

Without a HR audit, companies may not realise that some policies are not compliant with HR regulations, or that there are inefficient or ineffective HR practices that are working against the wider company goals. Conducting a HR Audit can therefore help your business identify any gaps or shortcomings of HR policies early so that you can take proactive steps towards strengthening the HR capabilities that support your business growth.

Let us conduct a HR Audit for your business to identify areas of improvement!

Focus on the important things

We'll start by scoping out the areas to focus on for the audit. Alternatively, if your business hasn't undergone a HR audit before, we can also look into a comprehensive review of all HR practice areas.

Ask the right questions

Based on the scope, we'll then develop a comprehensive audit questionnaire and collect the necessary data from the ground that will inform us of the current HR practices within the company.

Benchmark the findings

To fully assess the findings, we'll compare them with HR benchmarks to gain insights into how we can improve current practices.
Like to know more? We are here to help.
Speak With Our Consultant

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with the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

You can tap on the EDG offered by Enterprise Singapore to help your company in strengthening your Human Resource capabilities through developing strategic frameworks and processes in the 12 areas of Human Capital Development
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