Set your team up for success.

Focus on the right competencies that drives business growth with a Competency Framework.
Define the right competencies now

What is a Competency Framework?

A Competency Framework is a tool that defines and describes the skills, knowledge, behaviours, and attributes that are necessary to perform a role successfully. It creates a consistent and objective basis to evaluate potential hires and existing employees, and also identify training and development needs to ensure an employee has the right competencies to take on the challenges that come with their role.

Why is having a well-defined Competency Framework important?

Without a Competency Framework, employers often find out the hard way that a new hire may not have what it takes to perform their job successfully, or existing employees are not progressing due to lack of clarity in expectations. With a well-defined Competency Framework in place, managers are firstly able to make better hiring decisions as it provides clear and consistent criteria to evaluate the applicants' competencies. Employees also now have clearer benchmarks to work towards and managers can identify opportunities to improve their skills, thus leading to increased team productivity and business growth.

Let us develop a Competency Framework that drives real business results with you!

Laying the groundwork We'll start by collecting and analysing job data

We'll start by collecting and analysing job data to identify competencies and behaviours that will lead to improved performance across the organisation.

Developing the Framework

A Competency Framework will then be developed, through identifying competencies and behaviours that are most effective and aligned to the company's vision, mission and values. Metrics will also be established to determine if these competencies are effective.

Communicating the Framework

After the Competency Framework is developed, we will then develop a communication plan to educate the team on why it was developed and how they can use it to better prepare themselves for future opportunities.
Like to know more? We are here to help.
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With a well-defined Competency Framework in place, managers are firstly able to make better hiring decisions as it provides clear and consistent criteria to evaluate the applicants' competencies. Employees also now have clearer benchmarks to work towards and managers can identify opportunities to improve their skills, thus leading to increased team productivity and business growth.

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You can tap on the EDG offered by Enterprise Singapore to help your company in strengthening your Human Resource capabilities through developing strategic frameworks and processes in the 12 areas of Human Capital Development
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Competency Framework FAQs

What are the key components and elements of a competency framework?

A competency framework outlines the skills, behaviors, and knowledge required for success in specific roles within an organization. The key components of a competency framework include:

  • Core Competencies: Fundamental skills and behaviors expected of all employees, aligned with the company’s vision, mission, and core values. These competencies are essential for fostering a cohesive and collaborative work environment.


  • Job-Specific Competencies: Tailored competencies for each role, detailing the levels of proficiency required for unique skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to perform specific job functions effectively. These competencies ensure that employees have the right capabilities to meet job demands.


  • Leadership Competencies: Competencies that align with the company’s strategic and cultural priorities, defining the skills and attributes leaders need to drive organizational success and achieve company goals.

By incorporating these elements, a competency framework aligns individual and organizational goals, supports talent development, and enhances overall performance and success.

How well-defined does a competency framework need to be?

A well-defined competency framework is crucial for identifying the best-fit candidates and supporting employee development:

  • Specific to the Role: Even for similar job titles, the required competencies can vary significantly from one company to another due to differences in industry landscapes and job requirements.
  • Clear Definitions: Each competency should have a clear definition, outlining the expected proficiency levels for various roles and levels of authority.
  • Systematic Approach: A detailed framework allows for a systematic approach in HR processes, such as hiring. For example, competency-based interview questions can be developed to assess candidates, with scoring systems to evaluate responses, ensuring the selection of the best-fit candidate based on objective criteria.
  • A well-defined competency framework enhances the accuracy of recruitment, performance management, and development activities, ensuring alignment with organizational needs.

How often should a competency framework be reviewed and updated to ensure relevance?

A competency framework should ideally be reviewed and updated annually to remain relevant in a dynamic business environment. Although a framework can typically last 2-3 years, regular updates help the organization stay ahead of market changes and ensure that job holders are continuously developing their competencies as part of their training and development plans.

How can a competency framework align with other HR processes, such as performance management and talent acquisition?

A competency framework can significantly enhance the effectiveness of various HR processes, including:

  1. Performance Management: Competencies provide a clear basis for setting performance expectations, guiding feedback, and establishing development goals during performance evaluations.
  2. Talent Acquisition: The framework helps define job requirements and assess candidates’ fit through competency-based interviews and assessments, improving the quality of hires.
  3. Learning and Development: It identifies skill gaps and informs targeted training and development initiatives, fostering employee growth and career advancement.
  4. Succession Planning: Supports succession planning by identifying high-potential employees and preparing them for future leadership roles.
  5. Integrating a competency framework into HR processes leads to more informed decision-making, better talent development, and stronger organizational continuity.

How can an HR consultant like The Growth Project help in designing and implementing competency frameworks?

At The Growth Project, we specialize in designing and implementing customized competency frameworks tailored to your organization’s needs:

  • Collaborative Design: We work closely with department heads to understand the ideal expectations for each job role. Leveraging our domain expertise, we collaboratively design and document the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes that define a competent job holder.
  • Customized Framework Development: Our consultants create a competency framework that aligns with your company’s strategic goals and cultural values, ensuring it supports talent development and enhances overall performance.
  • Integration with HR Processes: We assist in integrating the competency framework into various HR processes, such as performance management, talent acquisition, and succession planning, to enhance overall talent management strategies.
  • Ongoing Support and Improvement: We provide ongoing support to monitor the effectiveness of the competency framework and recommend updates to keep it aligned with evolving business needs.

By partnering with The Growth Project, you can ensure that your competency framework not only meets current organizational requirements but also adapts to future challenges, driving sustained success.