Unite your team with a common purpose.

Clear Company Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements help provide focus and direction for your team.
Unite your team today

What are Company Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements?

The Vision, Mission and Values Statements form the foundation of all activities in your company and unites your employees with a common purpose. It paints the future that your company is working to achieve, helps to differentiates you from your competitors and guides employees in their behaviour and decision-making.

Why is having shared Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements important?

Without the Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements, it can be difficult for employees to know what the company is trying to achieve. This can lead to a lack of direction and purpose, thus making it difficult for employees to stay motivated and inspired. Co-creating Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements as a company can therefore help to re- engage and energise your team as everyone gets to play a part in shaping the company. With a clearly defined and shared Vision, Mission and Values Statement that every employee can stand behind, your team is now aligned and able to fully focus on working towards a common goal.

Let us create your Company Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements with you!

Understand the ground

During our Appreciative Inquiry Summit, we'll work with your team to understand their views and challenges through participative activities.

Co-create a desired future

Together, we'll co-create the Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements with your team so that everyone can rally behind a common purpose.

Serve as the lighthouse

The shared Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements will now play a critical role in guiding and aligning the entire HR capability-building journey.
Like to know more? We are here to help.
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Co-creating Vision, Mission and Core Values Statements as a company can therefore help to re-engage and energise your team as everyone gets to play a part in shaping the company. With a clearly defined and shared Vision, Mission
and Values Statement that every employee can stand behind, your team is now aligned and able to fully focus on working towards a common goal.

Invest in your people. 
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with the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

You can tap on the EDG offered by Enterprise Singapore to help your company in strengthening your Human Resource capabilities through developing strategic frameworks and processes in the 12 areas of Human Capital Development
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  • "Beyond the impartation of knowledge, the consultants successfully guided us in developing structures and clear measures with our management team."

    Jonathan Lau,
    CAP Advisory Group
  • “After a hectic year of changes due to inflation and the looming recession, TheGrowthProject workshop was a great reminder for us on what we stand for and aligns everyone on our path ahead.”

    Nigel Lim,
  • “I attended a lot of workshop but nothing like this before. TheGrowthProject consultants did so well to bring out the best in everyone. It is not a easy task”

    Toh Yee Sian,
    Kheng Sun

Got Questions? We've Got Answers.

Is it necessary for a company to have Vision, Mission, and Values Statements?

While some companies have operated without these statements and have been in business for years, having clear Vision, Mission, and Values Statements is essential for distinguishing a company from its competitors. Beyond competitive remuneration and benefits, job seekers today are increasingly interested in joining organisations that share their values and purposes. These statements serve as a foundation for attracting value-fit candidates, which in turn fosters a strong company culture where employees are more motivated, engaged, and productive.

What is the difference between a company's mission and vision?

A company's Mission Statement describes its current purpose and what it does, focusing on the present. In contrast, a Vision Statement outlines the company's future goals and the impact it aims to achieve, focusing on long-term aspirations. Both statements are critical to an organisation’s strategic framework, guiding decision-making and uniting stakeholders around a shared purpose.

What are company values, and how do they relate to the mission and vision?

Company Values are the fundamental beliefs that guide a company's behaviour and culture. They are closely aligned with the mission, reflecting the ethical standards and principles that support the company’s operations and fulfil its vision. Shared values help create a positive work environment, guide decision-making, and build trust with stakeholders. By differentiating the company, these values attract like-minded customers and employees. Living the company’s values ensures that everyone is aligned with its purpose and long-term goals, driving success and positive impact.

How do mission, vision, and values work together to shape a company's culture?

The mission, vision, and values work together to create a cohesive framework that shapes a company's culture. The Mission defines the company's purpose, the Vision inspires its future direction, and the Values provide the ethical foundation. When employees align with these principles, it fosters a positive work environment, enhances engagement, and strengthens the company’s brand and reputation.

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Vision, Mission, and Values Statements FAQs

Is it necessary for a company to have Vision, Mission, and Values Statements?

While some companies have operated without these statements and have been in business for years, having clear Vision, Mission, and Values Statements is essential for distinguishing a company from its competitors. Beyond competitive remuneration and benefits, job seekers today are increasingly interested in joining organisations that share their values and purposes. These statements serve as a foundation for attracting value-fit candidates, which in turn fosters a strong company culture where employees are more motivated, engaged, and productive.

What is the difference between a company's mission and vision?

A company's Mission Statement describes its current purpose and what it does, focusing on the present. In contrast, a Vision Statement outlines the company's future goals and the impact it aims to achieve, focusing on long-term aspirations. Both statements are critical to an organisation’s strategic framework, guiding decision-making and uniting stakeholders around a shared purpose.

What are company values, and how do they relate to the mission and vision?

Company Values are the fundamental beliefs that guide a company's behaviour and culture. They are closely aligned with the mission, reflecting the ethical standards and principles that support the company’s operations and fulfil its vision. Shared values help create a positive work environment, guide decision-making, and build trust with stakeholders. By differentiating the company, these values attract like-minded customers and employees. Living the company’s values ensures that everyone is aligned with its purpose and long-term goals, driving success and positive impact.

How do mission, vision, and values work together to shape a company's culture?

The mission, vision, and values work together to create a cohesive framework that shapes a company's culture. The Mission defines the company's purpose, the Vision inspires its future direction, and the Values provide the ethical foundation. When employees align with these principles, it fosters a positive work environment, enhances engagement, and strengthens the company’s brand and reputation.

How can an HR consultant like The Growth Project help in developing our company’s Mission, Vision, and Values Statements?

At The Growth Project, we integrate Positive Psychology principles in two distinct approaches to developing your company’s Mission, Vision, and Values Statements:


Leadership-Driven Approach: We work closely with your key leaders to define these statements, using Positive Psychology techniques to foster a positive and forward-thinking mindset among your leadership team. This approach helps leaders articulate a vision and mission that not only aligns with strategic goals but also inspires and motivates employees.


Inclusive Approach: We involve all employees in the process, creating an environment where everyone can contribute to shaping the company’s direction. By applying Positive Psychology, we ensure the process is collaborative and strengths-based, encouraging employees to engage in meaningful discussions about the company’s purpose and values. This method promotes a sense of ownership and alignment, helping to establish a cohesive company culture.


By adopting Positive Psychology in both approaches, we aim to create a supportive and empowering environment that aligns all employees with the company’s purpose and long-term goals, driving success and fostering a positive organisational culture.